Zoey File Manager and Product Attachments features now available


Zoey has over time enhanced its image capabilities to make it easier to upload and manage your images for products. A long-standing request from some of our merchants has been the ability to also attach documents, such as a spec sheet or marketing materials, to go on the product page. Our newest feature, the File Manager, which upgrades our existing Image Manager to have new and enhanced capabilities, enables that ability for the first time.

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The File Manager expands beyond images to cover PDFs, Word documents and more. A new Folders capability makes it easier to organize your files.

With the File Manager, you now have the ability to upload documents, such as PDFs, Word, Excel or Powerpoint documents, and attach them to the products they belong, while retaining the ability to still upload common image types. A Visual Design Editor block has been introduced called Product Attachments, which makes it easy to display related files when attached to a product. This feature can be great for displaying downloadable sales one-pagers, product spec sheets and more.

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Product Attachments can now be added in a new section on the product screen.

A new section on our product screen allows you to upload and attach document to a product. For bulk management, our import/export tools make it easy to upload and attach files in bulk.

To allow for better management of this expanded set of capabilities, we have upgraded our image manager to be more comprehensive and include the ability to manage documents as well, hence the expanded File Manager. Included in this capability is the ability to create folders and subfolders, so you can bucket your images and documents to organize them more easily (the folders themselves can be managed or deleted without deleting your actual images, so they act like tags in this regard). This capability was also added to the Visual Design Editor’s image manager, for a more consistent experience across the Zoey administrative tools.

The File Manager and Product Attachments features are available free for our Business Plus and Premium customers with 5GB storage included. These features can be added by users on our Business Plan for $20/mo, which includes 5GB of storage. Additional storage fees for all plans can be purchased at $10/mo for each subsequent 5GB of space.

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