B2B Ecommerce Software: Ways to Offer Customer-Specific Pricing

sales quote system

One of the core value propositions of B2B Ecommerce software is the ability to offer customer-specific pricing based on which customer is logged in and viewing a product. Wholesalers, distributors and brands quite often compete on pricing, and particular customer volumes and purchase patterns can impact pricing.

With B2B commerce functioning in a variety of ways, there needs to be a variety of options for managing such options. So here are three ways you can offer customer-specific pricing within B2B Ecommerce Software:

  1. Customer Groups & Segmentation
  2. Tiered Pricing Discounting
  3. Sales Quotes & Draft Orders

1. Customer Groups & Segmentation

At their core, many B2B businesses put their customers into various segments based on the volume of purchases they make, their persona, the seasonality of when they buy, or other such factors.

Personalized pricing allows for instant self-service purchases, and for some businesses it’s easier to group customers into bands or personas and offer pricing based on those criteria vs. a formula. But on the most extreme end, customer groups can be a group of 1, with the specific offerings for that customer, and allow for personalized pricing at a per buyer level.

Of course, many buyers can be accounts with multiple individuals, so a group could be an account with x buyers, since they’ll all be eligible for that company’s preferred pricing.

2. Tiered Pricing Discounting

Volume sales is generally a key component to sales for wholesalers, distributors and brands. So tiered pricing offers an easy way to further customize the pricing based on the volume being purchases.

It can also offer a default way to offer discounts for customers who have less history or haven’t been assigned a permanent customer group.

B2B buyers can be more price sensitive due to purchase limits or pricing requirements when researching orders, so tiered pricing can also allow for immediate confirmation of volume unit pricing scenarios to help with that research.

3. Sales Quotes and Draft Orders

For some businesses, one-size-fits-all or even group pricing doesn’t work, but you’ll encounter new customers or new order scenarios that require a review and custom pricing quotes. Sales Quotes can allow a draft order to be built, and then priced internally, for a buyer to approve and complete the order in real time once they receive their updated pricing.

This can allow for more flexible scenarios that automated pricing schema, in businesses where real-time pricing can be important.

Zoey is B2B Ecommerce Software with Pricing Flexibility

Regardless of how you need to manage your business, Zoey can support your ability to establish and maintain customer-specific pricing. Contact us for a demo to see how Zoey can provide the tools to succeed in B2B Ecommerce:

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