More Zoey Updates for the End of 2024

Zoey recent updates

2024 was an amazing year, full of progress across the Zoey ecosystem, from the launch of the latest version of our Android app to major progress with our Order Management System capabilities.

But even as we released major updates throughout the year, smaller, but helpful updates and additions continued to roll out. Here’s a summary of other updates and new features that have been added to the Zoey platform throughout the fourth quarter of 2024.

Thanks for being a part of our success in 2024, and in turn thank you for choosing us to help support your success.

Order Updates

  • Invoice button will be displayed, but greyed out, in instances where Orders are not closed or completed but invoicing is not available.
  • A Picklist button for generating a Single Picklist now appears on the Order screen.
  • When Creating an Order in the Zoey Admin, product search will occur automatically as you type, instead of having to hit Enter to search.
  • Dates on Order listings on the Zoey Web can be sorted by DD/MM/YYYY vs. MM/DD/YYYY
  • Recurring Order options now include the ability to have a product reorder every 6 weeks, as well as bimonthly, along with the other existing recurring options.
  • Additional file extensions have been added for the Order file attribute.
  • Order Comments included during the Order creation process now display on Order Review and Order Success screens.
  • Account Notes are now visible in the Admin Order Create screen.
  • Deposit Requests can be made while creating an Invoice on Net Terms.

Integration Updates

  • New options for the QuickBooks connector allows for the cost and taxable status to be synced.
  • The QuickBooks integration has been updated to offer a setting to control the product name’s source.
  • The NetSuite connector has a new setting that can limit the payment and shipping methods to not be resynced every run.
  • A ShipStation tab now appears when viewing an Order with shipment logs from the integration.

Quick Order Form Updates

  • We’ve made updates that simplify the ability to use multiple Quick Order Forms in one location.
  • We’ve added the ability to bulk add packaged products without configuration when adding products from the Quick Order Form.
  • Visual updates have been made to further enhance the Quick Order Form. Visual Design Editor rendering will also be more accurate to the final result.

Zoey Web Updates

  • When a product variation is selected on a Configurable product, the main image can switch with an image representing that variation. A new setting allows the entire image carousel to be replaced with that variation image, as opposed to just the main image of the carousel.
  • Stores with large product configuration areas can now configure that section to now be in a set box with scrolling, as opposed to making customers scroll large pages to review the information to select.
  • New font added to allow Korean language support.
  • Updates were made to the Zoey Web to make it easier for screen readers to provide context where dropdown and select configurations are offered.
  • A new feature allows separate Thank You page settings to be established per Customer Group registration form.
  • You can now set a Meta Title and Description for the Restricted Login page.
  • A new Product Attribute allows you to define whether a product is marked as on Sale via an attribute. This attribute, when used, would supercede the default product configuration tools for showing a Sale flag.

Zoey Admin Grid Updates

  • Mark as Shipped has been added to bulk actions on the Order Grid.
  • The Orders Grid has been updated to include an Import Orders button.
  • Order Cost and Profit columns have been added to the Order Grid and export.
  • The Invoice bulk action on the Order grid can now bulk invoice without an accompanying email send.
  • Customer Groups has been added as a column to the Invoices Grid.
  • The Modal Invoices list has been updated to an Invoices Grid for the Accounts Receivables Report. You can now click a row to view a list of Invoices, as well as export the grid as a CSV.
  • Sales Reps have been added to the Invoices Grid.
  • Average Order Amount column had been added to the Accounts Grid.
  • The Accounts Grid text search now includes main Contacts as part of the search data.
  • Zoey has added the ability for certain integrations to show columns or add filters to the Product Grid.
  • Product Attribute columns can now be added to the Account > Sales > Order Items Grid.
  • Account Locations Grid has been updated to prioritize activate locations in what is displayed. Inactive locations appear below them.

REST API Updates

  • The Product GET request in the REST API now supports retrieval of Custom Options data.
  • The REST API now supports Product Customizations.
  • A REST API endpoint has been added to allow deletion of attributes.
  • A new update filters out pending Orders from an API response for Drafts.

Data Import/Export Updates

  • Invoice numbers and dates have been added to the full Order export data.
  • Invoice Amount Due/Paid information has been added to the Data Mapper.
  • Order Statement fields have been added to the Order, Order Item, and Invoice export Data Mappers.
  • The Dropbox Data Mapper can now accept spaces in the folder path.

Reporting Updates

  • The Ordered Product Totals report has been updated to include Cost column and totals, along with the ability to filter by Attribute.
  • Accounts Receivable Reports have been updated to incorporate an “As Of” Date selector.
  • The Products Ordered report has a new option to group by Attribute.
  • A new option for the Sales Tax report allows grouping by Invoice created date.
  • Customer Groups information has now been added to the Accounts by Order Total report.
  • SKU information has been added to the Best Sellers report.

Settings Updates

  • Global Invoice Payment Methods settings for customer group level rules have been added to Settings > Method Restrictions.
  • Additional Notification Emails can now be enabled at the Account level. Previously it was limited to individual Contacts.
  • Statement emails now are sent based on Invoice email permissions vs. Order email permissions.
  • Validation setting configurations are now available for system Contact Attributes such as Company and First/Last Name fields.
  • The quantity increment check can now be disabled for items added to the Cart based on sales rules.
  • A new Contact Attribute that can restrict Checkout on the Zoey Web to only those who have the setting enabled to do so.
  • Invoice PDF Settings have been moved to a separate Invoice Settings area.
  • Default Net Terms settings for both the Contact and Account level can be set at Web Settings > Customer Settings > Net Terms.
  • A new option allows customers to be notified when Order Items are cancelled.
  • You can now configure more bank transfer payment methods.
  • You can now set delivery days on Account locations for better visibility and alignment between you and your customers.

Other Updates

  • Dates for Product Customization on the Zoey Web can now respect the user’s locale (DD/MM/YYYY where applicable).
  • A new option in the Zoey Mobile App for iOS allows items to be added to a Quote multiple times but with unique line items (vs. a single line item with an increased quantity).
  • You are now able to Void a Shipment.
  • Product Search in the Zoey Admin has been optimized to perform better, especially when multiple attributes are in use.
  • Tax calculation frequency has been reduced to avoid overuse of tax calculations when building complex orders.
  • UPS SurePost shipping rates have been added.
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