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Zoey & ShipStation

Streamline your Shipping and B2B Billing operations, simplifying order processing and automating your Accounts Receivable.

ShipStation Rates Now Available for Order/Draft/Quote Creation!

Data Flows To/From ShipStation

You have control over when and which orders are automatically pulled into ShipStation for processing. From there, Pick Pack & Ship can be done in ShipStation. The resulting shipment will then sync in real-time to Zoey, sending the tracking information, shipping cost and will trigger notification to your customers.

The integration supports partial and multiple shipments per order. Zoey has the ability to apply actual shipping cost from ShipStation to the Invoice. Once applied, Zoey can notify the customer of a charge to be resolved, or it can automatically charge the card on file. Both options are available to our sellers as a configuration option.



Tracking Info

Shipping Costs


Key Capabilities of Zoey & ShipStation Integration

Review the below data-flow chart for additional information.

Shipstation Integration data flows

Zoey Will Help You Get Integrated with ShipStation

As part of Zoey’s unique onboarding support process, we will work directly with you to get your ShipStation account integrated with Zoey to ensure your business operations will be supported from day one. 

We don’t require you to acquire third-party integration software or an outside team to link your Zoey account to ShipStation or maintain things as your business evolves; we’ll take care of that as part of your subscription.


Simplify & Automate Your Business Today!

Book a demo with our customer success team to help you find the best Ecommerce solution for your unique business. See how Zoey can help grow and expand your sales.