Most B2B and wholesale sellers have complex customer structures. Customers qualify for different pricing, products, payments, shipping… the distinctions can be endless and diverse. As such, a seller needs to make sure their Ecommerce platform is robust and can manage those scenarios.
Customer Groups is a core feature of Zoey and allows for customers to be segmented in a variety of different ways. You can choose what products, pricing, payments, shipping, content, and more. Once you have your customers setup, you can assign them to groups, and then manage the various settings to decide which groups get what.
You can also use groups as a way to assign salespeople to various buckets of customers, or if you need more granular control, you can also assign salespeople to individual customers.
To see the power of Zoey’s customers and Customer Groups feature set, check out our latest video demo where we dive into what’s possible:
The Video Demo series is part of a growing library of videos on our YouTube channel, which includes an archive of our Merchant Webinars, feature walkthroughs and partner tutorials. Check out our YouTube channel by clicking the button below:
Zoey also offers customized walkthroughs of the platform if you’re looking to review certain features are available, or confirm Zoey can handle the requirements of your business. To request a walkthrough, click the button below and fill out the form: